GDUFA Research Outcomes
Injectable Products
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to injectable generic drug products.
Adaptive Perfusion: A Novel In Vitro Drug Release Testing Method for Complex Drug Products
Zhang, Ying; Patel, Deval; Zhu, Dongkai; Dong, Yixuan; Kozak, Darby; Ashraf, Muhammad; Xu, Xiaoming
Adaptive Perfusion: An In Vitro Drug Release Testing Method for Complex Drug Products
Zhang, Ying; Patel, Deval; Zhu, Dongkai; Dong, Yixuan; Kozak, Darby; Ashraf, Muhammad; Xu, Xiaoming
Adaptive Perfusion: An In Vitro Drug Release Testing Method for Complex Drug Products
Zhang, Ying; Patel, Deval; Zhu, Dongkai; Dong, Yixuan; Kozak, Darby; Ashraf, Muhammad; Xu, Xiaoming
Exploring an Electroanalytical Method to Determine Drug Release from Liposomal Doxorubicin HCl
Yurtsever, Fatma; Siriwardane, Dumindika; Jiang, Wenlei; Mudalige, Thilak
Comparison Of Drug Release Profiles Of Doxorubicin Liposomes Prepared By Different Processes
Yuan, Wenmin; Kuai, Rui; Dai, Zhipeng; Tang, Jie; Zheng, Nan; Jiang, Wenlei; Noble, Charles; Hayes, Mark; Szoka, Francis; Schwendeman, Anna
Development of Flow-through USP 4 Apparatus Release Assay to Evaluate Doxorubicin Liposomes
Yuan, Wenmin; Kuai, Rui; Dai, Zhipeng; Yuan, Yue; Zheng, Nan; Jiang, Wenlei; Noble, Charles; Hayes, Mark; Szoka, Francis; Schwendeman, Anna
Distinguish Coexistence of Nanoemulsion and Liposome in Propofol by Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy
Wu, Yong; Petrochenko, Peter; Koo, Bonhye; Manna, Soumyarwit; Myung, Ja Hye; Hye; Choi, Stephanie; Kozak, Darby; Zheng, Jiwen
Evaluating Complex Emulsion and Liposome Morphology in Propofol Drug Products with High Resolution Cryogenic Electron Microscopy
Wu, Yong; Petrochenko, Peter; Liu, Jikun; Manna, Soumyarwit; Koo, Bonhye; Myung, Ja Hye; Chen, Lynn; Choi, Stephanie; Kozak, Darby; Zheng, Jiwen
Distinguish Coexistence of Nanoemulsion and Liposome in Propofol by Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy
Wu, Yong; Petrochenko, Peter; Koo, Bonhye; Manna, Soumyarwit; Myung, Ja Hye; Choi, Stephanie; Kozak, Darby; Zheng, Jiwen
Comparative In Vitro Cellular Uptake Study on Reference and Generic Sodium Ferric Gluconate in Mononuclear Phagocyte Systems
Wu, Min; Sun, Dajun; Tyner, Katherine; Jiang, Wenlei; Rouse, Rodney