GDUFA Research Outcomes
Injectable Products
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to injectable generic drug products.
Regulatory Research Supporting the Development of Drug Products Containing Nanomaterials A US-FDA Perspective
Tyner, Katherine
Nanomedicine Pharmacokinetics and Bioanalytical Methods to Measure Drug Release
Stern, Stephan
Advances in Iron Colloid Products: Product-Specific Guidance Discussion
Jiang, Wenlei
Complex Drug Products Containing Nanomaterials
Jiang, Wenlei
Regulatory Uses of IVRT Studies on Complex Generic Ophthalmic, Injectable, Implantable, and Inserted Products
Qin, Bin
Injectable Suspensions: Tools and Methods Bridging The In Vivo and In Vitro Gap
Qin, Bin
Liposome Guidance
Jiang, Wenlei
Non-Inferiority Assessment for Iron-Carbohydrate Complexes
Polli, James E.
Advanced Analytical Methods to Characterize Liposome Drug Products
Jiang, Wenlei
Liposomal Formulations of Amphotericin B
Nivorozhkin, Alex; Rivnay, Benjamin