GDUFA Research Outcomes
Nanotechnology Products
This section contains scientific publications, presentations, and posters arising from GDUFA-funded research relevant to generic products that contain nanomaterials or nanotechnology (e.g., colloidal iron-carbohydrate and liposomal products).
Adaptive Perfusion: An In Vitro Drug Release Testing Method for Complex Drug Products
Zhang, Ying; Patel, Deval; Zhu, Dongkai; Dong, Yixuan; Kozak, Darby; Ashraf, Muhammad; Xu, Xiaoming
Adaptive Perfusion: An In Vitro Drug Release Testing Method for Complex Drug Products
Zhang, Ying; Patel, Deval; Zhu, Dongkai; Dong, Yixuan; Kozak, Darby; Ashraf, Muhammad; Xu, Xiaoming
Impact of Formulation Processes on Dosage Form Determination of Phytonadione Injectables
Smith, William; Liu, Hao; Wang, Yan; Kozak, Darby; Xu, Xiaoming
Interplay Between Particle Flocculation and Dissolution Leading to Variation in Bioavailability and Clinical Performance of Injectable Suspensions
Smith, William; Bae, Jungeun; Zhang, Ying; Wang, Yan; Qin, Bin; Kozak, Darby; Xu, Xiaoming
Characterization and Quantification Analysis of Onivyde Irinotecan Liposome Injection
Gan, Jingyao; Juang, Vivian; Wang, Kaikai; Hong, Kristen; Xia, Ziyun; Ackermman, Rose; Olsen, Karl; Wang, Yan; Liang, Jing; Zheng, Jiwen; Xu, Xiaoming; Park, Jin; Schwendeman, Anna
Effect of Manufacturing Process on Particle Morphology in Propofol Emulsions
Feng, Wenchun; Wu, Yong; Chen, Lynn; Qu, Haiou; Patel, Deval; Xu, Xiaoming; Manna, Soumyarwit; Choi, Stephanie; Zheng, Jiwen